MTI is located quite close to Focus on the Family. We spent one of our days off playing at the Focus on the Family facility. We were quite impressed...especially considering it is free!
They even had space enough for all 10 of us! :)
Right before we left home, so friends in our church gave us a whole sack of Adventures in Odyssey tapes. So we just *had* to have some ice cream at Whit's End Ice Cream Shoppe.
We thought that surely we could send the above mentioned friends the bill because had it not been for listening to hours of Odyssey in the car, the kids probably wouldn't have cared... :)
Then, today, we drove part-way up Pike's Peak today. It was super pretty.
But super cold at the top...
And the snow plows were super cool... :)
Sounds like fun was had by all. And what great friends you have.